President Message

Message from President


Shri Manas Ranjan Mahapatra

President, Divya Jyoti Rural Education Society

I am very glad that Divya Jyoti English Higher Secondary School, Dabhel, Daman amalgamated with Hindi Upper Primary School to become High School in 2015-16 run by the Divya Jyoti Rural Education Society Dabhel, Daman, and are marching towards progress in the field of English and Hindi Education in moulding the mind of young people.

Brahms thought of harmony of religions did not merely believe that "there is truth in all religions" but went further with the conviction that "ALL RELIGIONS ARE TRUE".

It is however important to understand and appreciate the time and environments, the circumstances and situations in which our elders lived and still took care of the immortal Spirit within and were able to dispel the darkness of ignorance and superstition of ages and help the girl-child of early and middle of last century and later on both boys and girls who have been uprooted from their society, needed effective re-settlement which included education and career. "EVEN IN A PITCH DARK CAVE, A MATCH STICK IS ENOUGH TO SHOW THE WAY. OUR DIVYA JYOTI RURAL EDUCATION SOCIETY IS THAT MATCH STICK."